Let me tell you how it’s going … from MY perspective. I know you’ve read a lot about camping,
animals and sightseeing. I’m getting
LOT’s of snoozing time. My parents made
a bed for me in the ‘attic’ space over their heads. I can look out the window – the world goes by
very quickly, or I can sleep.

When we get to a campground, I sit on the dining room table looking out, or sit at the driving wheel, or I go for a walk.

We go on long walks. It has taken a while to train my parents to walk where I want to go, and they are catching on.

I got out of my harness once, and Mom re-made it. I can’t get out now. I try to get into trouble, but they are
always there keeping a close eye on me.

Sometimes when we stop for lunch, they feed me good food. Bologna, corn beef, fish … Yum … much better
than the dry stuff.

They must feel really guilty taking me out of my usual environment. I’m going to play it up and not let them know how much fun I’m having.
The Perfect S’More
My parents have been making a big deal every night about how
to make the perfect s’more. I really
don’t think it’s very good eating, but I am happy to report what they do.
After making the perfect campfire with lots of hot coals and
not many flames, Mom first makes a test marshmallow – trying to find the most
perfect spot in the fire, and the proximity to the fire to toast said
marshmallow. Dad already know where to
cook the marshmallow. I think mom just
likes eating the extra marshmallow. They
have shared that test marshmallow with me and I think it’s terrible. AND, it took me forever to get it off my whiskers.
Once they have figure that out, they get set up for the main
The graham crackers come in about a 3”x6” rectangle. They cut that in half, place one of the haves
near the fire, and place 2-3 small sections of chocolate bar on top of the
cracker that is warming near the fire.

There seems to be great debate as to whether two or three sections of chocolate represents the perfect proportions.
They cook another marshmallow, having determined the placement
and timing required to get one totally melted, toasty brown, and very

That perfectly toasted marshmallow goes on top of the melting chocolate toasting graham cracker combo which has been warming near the fire, and is pushed off the toasting stick by pressing the second half of the graham cracker against the marshmallow, melted chocolate toasted graham cracker mess.
And it is a mess. Beyond belief.
They seem to like it and I’m happy for them.
If I sleep with Mom’s camera, I know they won’t forget me.
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