Where to start???
Once the goal was set –to be in Alaska … for the summer,
then the planning could begin. The
vehicle (Lazy Daze 27MB) has been procured.
The task then became when, where and how.
The when defined itself as Tom’s retirement plan firmed
up. Kris retired less than a year later,
allowing a spring departure for the big trip.
The plan included starting in Nevada, where our daughter lives. We would pick up the RV in Los Angeles; ‘gear
up’ in Nevada, do a weekend test camping trip, then head North from there.
In planning for a late spring departure, we poured through
travel books, read all identifiable blogs about RV travel in Alaska, posted
relevant questions on Alaska RV travel forums, etc. Trying to leave no stone unturned, we did
start to see recurring comments in the information regarding the ‘best’
itineraries; the best fishing spots, the best bear viewing areas, the prettiest
roads, the worst camping locations, must see places, and places to avoid.
With pen in hand, we wrote the key information directly onto
maps, making it easier to visualize a likely travel route. But, the problem became too much information
on a map too small for all the information.
So, Kristen made an over-sized map of British Columbia, Yukon and Alaska. There was now PLENTY of room to write, add sticky notes, and add clipped and cut text.

As we planned the possible routes and stops, we also started
to compile a list of all the things one might need to live in and RV and travel
in an Alaska. Having camped before, some of the ‘stuff’ on the list was
obvious. Other stuff, not so much. Again, back to internet, downloading
checklists and recommendations from other travelers, we created the master
packing list, which has been revised numerous times. EVERYTHING was included, dividing items into
rooms for functionality. Bedroom items
included linens and towels, clothes (from freezing to 100 degrees), shoes and
boots. Kitchen items included dishes,
cooking utensils, etc. Toys, games, activities,
tools, awning supplies, campfire supplies, tire patch kit, jacks, shovel,
hatchet …. You name it … it’s on ‘THE LIST’.
While we could buy things along the way, the goal was not to
start each day with a shopping list of things we didn’t think about, or forgot
to bring. In addition to that, we might
not be near the right kind of store (or any store) when we needed something. It made more sense to think it out in
When we decided to start the trip in Nevada, the logistics of packing became a bit more complicated. So, ‘THE PACK LIST
Spreadsheet’ was born. Hoping that the
formulating travel plan would actually work, we took many items to Nevada in
December. Back at home, we identified some of the items on ‘THE
LIST’ already on hand. Some items needed to be
purchased. Some items we could ship to
Nevada closer to departure day, some could be ordered and drop shipped there. Some had to be personally carried and not
shipped (medicine, photography gear).
– keeping track of it all !!
The current ‘PACK LIST’
is an Excel spreadsheet with the following columns – In Nevada Already,
To Be Shipped to Nevada from home, To be Carried on Flight, To be Purchased and
Drop shipped to Nevada, to be Purchased
in Nevada, and Included with the Purchase
of the RV. It’s a bit compulsive, but
waaaay easier than trying to remember it all.

Departure day is about three weeks out, and we’re scrambling
to get ‘The LIST’ packed, processed, ordered, and setting up the logistics of
running one’s life while ON THE ROAD!
Next post - Stinky
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